
I live and work on Galiano Island and have always had an eye for tiny, perfect objects. Moving here in 2007 brought me closer to nature, and my creativity blossomed from there.

I work with polymer clay to create miniature pieces that reflect things I see around me, and objects that exist only in my imagination. More recently, I have begun to disassemble old watches and use the parts in various forms.

I work with headlamps, tiny tweezers, clay modeling tools, dental tools, sewing needles and pins. I don’t use a magnifying glass. Sometimes, to get a piece just right, I find I need to hold my breath while I make the final sculpting motion, or set the tiniest watch hand into place. My dreams are full of tiny libraries, miniscule mushrooms, elaborate night skies with moving dials and ticking hands.

Everything I create is full of love and joy. Thank you for looking.
